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Welcome to

Crafty, creative types have a tendency, sometimes a compulsion, to make things. That’s me. I’m always making something. It might be practical and useful, but frequently I’ll make something just because it’s cute.

I make things from scratch and from patterns, even though I usually veer off on my own at some point. I especially like to makeover things that need an update. Recycle, upcycle, repurpose, reuse, whatever you call it, I’m in.

I have a million ideas, and even though it seems like it, they don’t just pop out of thin air.  Ideas constantly swirl around in my head, mixed in with the inspiration from cute things others have made and then pop out as a pillow, a bracelet, a tote bag or who knows what else.

I’m a Jan of all trades, and master of some.

I love hearing “Did you make that?” Then it makes me crazy when I hear “Oh, I could never do anything like that.” Nothing could be further from the truth. It’s not rocket science, and anyone–who wants to–can sew or crochet, or quilt or do any of the projects I make. If you don’t believe me, I can show you how.

While this is my first post here, it’s not my very first post. For a few years I’ve posted at wordpress and decided it was time to set out on my own and maybe make a few bucks doing these things I love to do.  

I hope you’ll join me as I get started.

Please excuse any glitches you come across (and let me know!) this is still very much “under construction.” I know I want to customize the look here, but I need to figure out a few things before I pay for something that might not be right. And I know there are things that were included in my free wordpress site, that I’ve got to figure out on my own over here. I’m not even sure if I have set up a functional email sign up.  But ready or not, here I come. 

Let me know what you think, what you want to see, and alert me to any glitches I need to fix. Hope you’ll stay tuned. 


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